On Tuesday, June 4, at 10 a.m., the final session of the diocesan supplementary inquiry into the “life, virtues, reputation for holiness and signs” of the Servant of God Isabella Morfini, Foundress of the Carmelite Third Secular Order in Bari, will be held at the Diocesan Curia of Bari-Bitonto.
Bina (as every one called her) was the eldest of nine sisters and brothers. As both their mother and grandmother were ill, Bina acted as mother to all the family.
Very early on she joined the Association of Catholic Action (AC). For 27 years she served as Diocesan Director of the children’s section of AC, while at the same time holding the office of President of GF. In 1913, Bina founded a local branch of the Carmelite Third Order and led it as Prioress until the time of her death. She was a prominent member of the Oratory of the Sacred Heart, (as was Aldo Moro among many others), and this Association fostered many priestly and religious vocations. In 1928, she founded Unitalsi in Puglia and was also the Regional Delegate for Pontifical Missionary Works.
During her 50 years’ activity as a catechist, Bina “supported the work of the priests in an extraordinary way and imparted Eucharistic and biblical knowledge to her pupils. As she was culturally self-taught, it was only an inspired person that could have achieved this”.
The diocesan tribunal’s investigation of “the life, virtues and apparent sanctity” of Bina concluded on 9 December 2006.
Bina (come tutti la chiamano) è la primogenita di nove tra fratelli e sorelle, cui fa quasi le veci della mamma, che, assieme alla nonna è ammalata.
Si iscrive presto all'AC. Incaricata diocesana Fanciulli di AC, servizio che svolge per ventisette anni, diventa contemporaneamente presidente diocesana della GF. Nel 1913, fonda il Terz'Ordine carmelitano e lo guida come Priora fino alla morte. Dà vita all'oratorio del Sacro Cuore, frequentato tra gli altri da Aldo Moro, dove maturano molte vocazioni sacerdotali e religiose. Nel 1928, fonda l'Unitalsi pugliese. È delegata regionale delle Pontificie Opere Missionarie.
Nel corso della sua attività di catechista, durata cin quant'anni, Isabella "ha affiancato l'opera dei sacerdoti in maniera meravigliosa e ha consegnato ai suoi allievi pensieri eucaristici e biblici, che solo una persona ispirata poteva produrre, vista la sua preparazione culturale da autodidatta".
L'inchiesta diocesana sulla "vita, virtù e fama di santità" si è chiusa il 9 dicembre 2006.
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