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Monday, 29 November 2021 09:50


Elisabetta della Trinità

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Elisabetta della Trinità

Elisabeth Catez was born on July 18, 1880 in the army camp of Avor near Bourges in France and was baptized four days later. In 1887 the family moved to Dijon; That same year her father died. On April...

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Luigi e Maria Azelia Martin

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Luigi e Maria Azelia Martin

Louis Martin was born in Bourdeaux on August 22, 1823. A man of faith and prayer, he cultivated for a period of time the desire to consecrate himself to God in the hospice of Great St. Bernard but, di...

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Maria di Gesù Crocifisso

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Maria di Gesù Crocifisso

She was born in Abellin (Nazareth) on January 5, 1846 to a Greek-Catholic family. She was baptized with the name Mariam. Orphaned at the age of two, she was adopted by her uncle with whom, in 1854, sh...

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Maria Maravillas di Gesù

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Maria Maravillas di Gesù

María Maravillas Pidal y Chico de Guzman, was born in Madrid on November 4, 1891. From childhood she wanted to consecrate herself to God and dedicated her youth to helping those in need. Attracted by...

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Martiri di Compiegne (Teresa…

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Martiri di Compiegne (Teresa di Sant’Agostino e 15 Compagne)

They are the sixteen Discalced Carmelites: eleven nuns, three lay sisters and two externs of the monastery of the Incarnation of Compiègne (France). As soon as the French revolution degenerated into t...

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Raffaele di San Giuseppe (Ka…

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Raffaele di San Giuseppe (Kalinowski)

Joseph Kalinowski was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 1835, He was a military engineer and captain of General Staff. He worked on building railways and fortresses. He participated, albeit reluctantly...

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Teresa Benedetta della Croce

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Teresa Benedetta della Croce

Edith Stein was born in Breslau, the capital of Prussian Silesia, on October 12, 1891, to a Jewish family of German stock. Brought up in the values of the Hebrew religion, at the age of 14 she abandon...

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Teresa di Gesù

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Teresa di Gesù

Teresa de Ahumada was born in Ávila on March 28, 1515. After the death of his wife and with two children, Alonso de Cepeda, her father, married Beatriz de Ahumada. Teresa was the third of the couple’s...

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Teresa di Gesù (de los Andes…

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Teresa di Gesù (de los Andes)

She was born in Santiago de Chile on July 13, 1900. At the baptismal font she was called Juana Enriqueta Josefina of the Sacred Hearts Fernandez Solar. In the family she was called, and still is toda...

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Teresa di Gesù Bambino

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Teresa di Gesù Bambino

France in the nineteenth century was the first country in Europe in which the conviction began to spread that we could do without God, that we could live as if he did not exist. It was precisely in th...

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Teresa Margherita del Sacro …

04-09-2023 Saints OCD

Teresa Margherita del Sacro Cuore di Gesù

Anna Maria was born in Arezzo into the noble Redi family on 15th of July 1747. Formed in a profound spirit of piety, at the age of six she could already be said to be a little contemplative, who aske...

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Monday, 29 November 2021 09:45


04-09-2023 Hits:1033

Alfonso Maria dello Spirito …

Blessed OCD

Alfonso Maria dello Spirito Santo (Mazurek)

Alphonsus Mary of the Holy Spirit (Mazurek) was born on the first of March, 1891, in Baranówka, near Lubartów, Poland. In 1908 he entered the Order of Discalced Carmelites in Czerna, taking the name o...

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04-09-2023 Hits:848

Anna di Gesù

Blessed OCD

Anna di Gesù

Anna de Lobera Torres was born in Medina del Campo (Castile) on 25 November 1545 and died in Brussels on 4 March 1621. In 1570, with the religious name of Anna of Jesus, she was introduced personally...

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04-09-2023 Hits:960

Anna di San Bartolomeo

Blessed OCD

Anna di San Bartolomeo

Anne of St Bartholomew was born in Almendral (Avila─Spain) on October 10, 1549, living her adolescence by working in the fields; but even then she was graced by great gifts of the mystical order. At ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:831

Dionisio della Natività

Blessed OCD

Dionisio della Natività

Peter Berthelot was born in Honfleur (Calvados, France) on December 12, 1600 and at a very young age he gave himself to navigation, traveling to Spain, England, America. In 1619 he went to India, wher...

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04-09-2023 Hits:962

Elia di S. Clemente

Blessed OCD

Elia di S. Clemente

Theodora Fracasso was born in Bari on 17th of January 1901, the third child of Giuseppe Fracasso and Pasqua Cianci and was baptized four days later by her uncle Fr Carlo Fracasso with the name of Theo...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1005

Eufrasio di Gesù Bambino

Blessed OCD

Eufrasio di Gesù Bambino

Eufrasio was born in Cancienes (Spain) on February 8, 1897 and was baptized the following day. He spent his infancy and childhood under the tutelage of his grandfather Vincenzo in La Cuesta. After a ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:854

Giuseppa Naval Girbes

Blessed OCD

Giuseppa Naval Girbes

Maria Josefa was born on December 11, 1820, 32 kilometres from Valencia. She was the eldest of five children of Francisco Naval and Josefa Maria Girbés. At the age of eight she received the sacramen...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1027

Maria Candida dell’Eucaresti…

Blessed OCD

Maria Candida dell’Eucarestia

Maria Barba was born on 16 January 1884 into the bosom of a deeply believing family, but which resolutely opposed her religious vocation, manifested since the age of fifteen. Maria, in fact, would ha...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1012

Maria degli Angeli (Fontanel…

Blessed OCD

Maria degli Angeli (Fontanella)

Marianna Fontanella was born in Turin on 7th of January 1661 to the family of the Counts of Fontanella. Her mother came from the Tana di Chieri, «related in the second and third degree to Blessed Luig...

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04-09-2023 Hits:754

Maria dell’Incarnazione (Avr…

Blessed OCD

Maria dell’Incarnazione (Avrillot)

Barbara Avrillot had the merit of introducing the Carmelite reform of Saint Teresa of Avila to France. Born in Paris in 1566 to a noble family, she studied with the Minor Sisters of Humility of Our La...

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04-09-2023 Hits:980

Maria di Gesù (Lopez de Riva…

Blessed OCD

Maria di Gesù (Lopez de Rivas)

María López de Rivas Martínez was born in Tartanedo (Spain) to a wealthy family, lost her father at the age of four and found herself heir to a large fortune. In 1577, when the reformer Teresa of Jesu...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1182

Maria Felicia di Gesù Sacram…

Blessed OCD

Maria Felicia di Gesù Sacramentato

María Felicia Guggiari Echeverría, known as Chiquitunga (little one), was a young woman who lived in Paraguay in the first half of the twentieth century. She was born in Villarrica (Republic of Para...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1028

Maria Giuseppina di Gesù Cro…

Blessed OCD

Maria Giuseppina di Gesù Crocifisso

Giuseppina Catanea (Blessed Mary Josephine of Jesus Crucified) was born in Naples on February 18, 1896. After commercial studies, in 1918 she entered the monastery of Sts Teresa and Joseph of the Disc...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1020

Maria Sagrario di San Luigi …

Blessed OCD

Maria Sagrario di San Luigi Gonzaga

Elvira was born in Lillo, Spain, on January 8, 1881, to Ricardo Moragas and Isabel Cantarero, the third of four children. Following in her father's footsteps she became the first woman in her country ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:751

Martiri di Barcellona (Luca …

Blessed OCD

Martiri di Barcellona (Luca di S. Giuseppe e 13 Compagni)

Father Luke of San Joseph (born José Tristany Pujol) and 13 of his confreres, Discalced Carmelites of Barcelona, suffered martyrdom at the height of the Spanish Civil War. Their names are: Fathers Luk...

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04-09-2023 Hits:806

Martiri di Guadalajara (Mari…

Blessed OCD

Martiri di Guadalajara (Maria Pilar di San Francesco Borgia e 2 Compagne)

Shortly after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the community of Discalced Carmelite nuns of the monastery of St. Joseph in Guadalajara dispersed and its members, in civilian clothes, had to seek...

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04-09-2023 Hits:835

Martiri di Lérida (Giovanni …

Blessed OCD

Martiri di Lérida (Giovanni di Gesù e 4 Compagni)

In July 1936, when the religious persecution began during the Spanish civil war, Father John of Jesus and the other four friars were in Lleida. The first few days they hid in the orchards near the con...

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04-09-2023 Hits:763

Martiri di Rochefort (Leonar…

Blessed OCD

Martiri di Rochefort (Leonardo e 2 Compagni)

During the French revolution, the Constituent Assembly in 1789, after confiscating all ecclesiastical property and suppressing religious institutes, decreed the Civil Constitution of the clergy, by wh...

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04-09-2023 Hits:803

Martiri di Tarragona (Elipio…

Blessed OCD

Martiri di Tarragona (Elipio di Santa Teresa e 146 Compagni)

In July 1936 in Spain, after the political elections and the triumph of the left, there were criminal actions not only against political exponents but also against the religious. Contempt for religion...

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04-09-2023 Hits:736

Martiri di Toledo (Eusebio d…

Blessed OCD

Martiri di Toledo (Eusebio di Gesù Bambino e 15 Compagni)

Father Eusebius of the Child Jesus (Ovidio Fernández Arenillas) and the entire Community of Discalced Carmelites of Toledo, suffered martyrdom between the months of July and September 1936, during the...

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04-09-2023 Hits:745

Redento della Croce

Blessed OCD

Redento della Croce

Peter Berthelot was born in Honfleur (Calvados, France) on December 12, 1600 and at a very young age he gave himself to navigation, traveling to Spain, England, America. In 1619 he went to India, wher...

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Monday, 29 November 2021 09:36


04-09-2023 Hits:1261

Anita Cantieri

Venerables OCD

Anita Cantieri

Anita Cantieri was born in Lucca (Italy) on March 30, 1910. Her parents, Davino and Annunziata, were countrypeople of modest means; they had 12 children. Shortly after her birth on April 3rd, she was...

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04-09-2023 Hits:774

Anna di S. Agostino

Venerables OCD

Anna di S. Agostino

Anna of St Augustine was born in Valladolid on the 11th of December, 1555. In 1577 she was accepted at the Carmelite monastery of Malagon (Spain) where in 1578 she made her solemn profession.  F...

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04-09-2023 Hits:788

Antonio Augusto Intreccialag…

Venerables OCD

Antonio Augusto Intreccialagli (vescovo)

Augusto Intreccialagli was born in Montecompatri (Italy) on February 18th, 1852. He entered the novitiate of the Roman Province of the Discalced Carmelites in 1868 and was ordained a priest on May ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:711

Aureliano del SS. Sacramento

Venerables OCD

Aureliano del SS. Sacramento

Aureliano of the Most Blessed Sacrament was born on June 27, 1887 in San Miguel de Basauri (Vizcaya – Spain). At the age of fifteen he entered the novitiate of the Discalced Carmelites in Larrea and ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:946

Balbino del Carmelo

Venerables OCD

Balbino del Carmelo

Balbino of Carmel was born on March 7, 1865 in Fresno, a province of Avila (Spain) to Lorenzo Sánchez and Balbina Mayorga. Two days after his birth he was baptized with the names of Ildefonso-Thomas. ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:700

Benigno di S. Teresa di Gesù…

Venerables OCD

Benigno di S. Teresa di Gesù Bambino

Fr. Benignus of St Therese of the Child Jesus (Angelo Calvi), from the family and from the parish of the same name in Italy, had a strong and joyful education in the faith, founded on a great love for...

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04-09-2023 Hits:940

Chiara Maria della Passione

Venerables OCD

Chiara Maria della Passione

Chiara Maria of the Passion was born in Orsogna (Chieti - Italy) on 11 April 1610 to Filippo Colonna, Duke of Paliano, and Lucrezia Tomacelli. The name given to her in baptism was Giovanna Vittoria. ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:678

Francesco di Gesù Bambino

Venerables OCD

Francesco di Gesù Bambino

Francis of the Child Jesus was born in Villapalacios (Albacete - Spain) in 1544 and spent a youth full of hardships as a shepherd. At the age of twenty he moved to Alcalá de Henares, where he entered...

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04-09-2023 Hits:746

Giovanni di Gesù Maria (Gala…

Venerables OCD

Giovanni di Gesù Maria (Galaguritano)

John of Jesus Mary was born in the town of Calahorra in Spain on January 27, 1564 to Diego de San Pedro and Anna De Ustarroz. At the university of Alcalà de Henares, together with studies in philosop...

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04-09-2023 Hits:706

Giovanni Vincenzo di Gesù Ma…

Venerables OCD

Giovanni Vincenzo di Gesù Maria

John Vincent of Jesus Mary was born in Bérriz (Vizcaya – northern Spain) in 1862. Of noble and austere Basque lineage of soldiers, educated in a family full of affection, while still a boy he broke a...

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04-09-2023 Hits:761

Maddalena di San Giuseppe

Venerables OCD

Maddalena di San Giuseppe

Magdalene of St Joseph was born in Paris, to a Turonese family, on May 17, 1578, the sixth of fifteen children. She grew up in Paris and Tours, where, in 1603, she met Pierre de Bérulle who wanted and...

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04-09-2023 Hits:660

Marcello della Vergine del C…

Venerables OCD

Marcello della Vergine del Carmelo

Marcellus of the Virgin of Carmel was born in Kiskomárom (now Zalakomár), Hungary, on September 9, 1887. At the age of 38 he left everything to enter Carmel definitively. After his ordination he was ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:693

Margherita del SS. Sacrament…

Venerables OCD

Margherita del SS. Sacramento

Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament was born in Beaune, France, on February 7, 1619. Her parents, Pierre Parigot and Jeanne Battaille, were both middle-class influential and wealthy. They very quickly ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:730

Maria Antonia di Gesù

Venerables OCD

Maria Antonia di Gesù

Maria Antonia of Jesus was born in Cuntis, Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), on the 6th of October, 1700. She was educated from an early age to have a deep faith and to work. The sufferi...

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04-09-2023 Hits:666

Maria del Carmine della SS T…

Venerables OCD

Maria del Carmine della SS Trinità

The Venerable Servant of God, Maria Carmen of the Most Holy Trinity (Civil name: Carmen Caterina Bueno) was born in Itu, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, on November 25, 1898. Her parents were Teotô...

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04-09-2023 Hits:882

Maria Lucia del Cuore Immaco…

Venerables OCD

Maria Lucia del Cuore Immacolato (Lucia di Fatima)

Lucia Dos Santos, born in Portugal to a very humble family, was the recipient, together with her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, of a series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary, in the locality of ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:655

Teresa di Sant’Agostino

Venerables OCD

Teresa di Sant’Agostino

Born in Versailles (France) on the 15th of July 1737, she was the daughter of King Louis XV and Maria Leszczynska. In April 1770, with the consent of her father, the King of France, she entered the C...

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04-09-2023 Hits:620

Teresa Margherita del Cuore …

Venerables OCD

Teresa Margherita del Cuore di Maria

Maria Luisa Resende Marques was born in Brazil on December 24, 1915, in Borda da Mata, in the state of Minas Gerais. She felt she had a religious vocation but her father at first opposed it. She man...

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04-09-2023 Hits:662

Zaccaria di S. Teresa

Venerables OCD

Zaccaria di S. Teresa

His name was Zacarias Salterain Bizkarra and he was born in Abadiano (Vizcaya, Spain) on November 4, 1887; he did his first studies at the Jesuit college of Durango in Spain; at the age of 15 he enter...

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Monday, 29 November 2021 09:30

Servants of God

03-09-2023 Hits:1535

Adeodato di S. Pietro

Servants of God OCD

Adeodato di S. Pietro

The Rev. Father Adeodatus of St. Peter, after being ordained a priest on July 31, 1927, left for India a few weeks later. He arrived at Carmel Hill Monastery, Trivandrum, on November 1, 1927. As a ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1261

Agostino Maria del Sac…

Servants of God OCD

Agostino Maria del Sacramento (Hermann Cohen)

Hermann Cohen born in Hamburg, Germany, on November 10, 1820, to an old Jewish family, showed an extraordinary talent for the piano from the age of four. In 1833, at the age of twelve, he left German...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1635

Aloisio Maria Benziger (vesc…

Servants of God OCD

Aloisio Maria Benziger (vescovo)

Aloysius Benziger was born in Einsiedeln, Switzerland, on 31st of January 1864 as the fourth child and second son of Johannes Adelrich Benziger and Anna Maria Koch von Boswayal. The Benziger family b...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1490

Anastasio Alberto Ballestrer…

Servants of God OCD

Anastasio Alberto Ballestrero (cardinale)

Anastasio Ballestrero was born in Genoa on October 3, 1913, the first of five children of Giacomo Ballestrero and Antonietta Daffunchio. He entered the Order of Discalced Carmelites. On 6th of June 1...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1160

Caterina di Cristo

Servants of God OCD

Caterina di Cristo

Catalina of Christ was born in Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Spain) on October 28, 1544, to deeply Christian parents: Cristoforo and Giovanna de Bustamante y Sanmartín, of noble descent. Third of four...

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10-10-2023 Hits:13

Cecilia Maria del Volto Sant…

Servants of God OCD

Cecilia Maria del Volto Santo

Cecilia Maria Sánchez Sorondo was born on 5 December 1973 in San Martín de Los Andes (Argentina), the second of ten siblings. She was noted for her great ability to relate to others and always showed ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1461

Cunegonda Siwiec

Servants of God OCD

Cunegonda Siwiec

Kunegunda Siwiec was born in Siwcowka, diocese of Krakow, in 1876, the ninth of ten children of the Siwiec family. She was called  by all by the diminutive of Kundusia. She breathed in the seren...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1052

Domenico di Gesù Maria

Servants of God OCD

Domenico di Gesù Maria

Dominic of Jesus Mary was born on May 16, 1559 in Calatayud (Spain), the son of Miguel de Ruzola, a notary, and Jerónima López. He received the Carmelite habit in Zaragoza on 24th of May 1572 and was...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1033

Firmino della Natività

Servants of God OCD

Firmino della Natività

Firmino of the Nativity was born in Amiens (France) on August 31, 1759. He entered the Order of Discalced Carmelites and was ordained a priest. He supported a bitter struggle for the defence of the C...

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03-09-2023 Hits:926

Francesco di Gesù

Servants of God OCD

Francesco di Gesù

Francis of Jesus was born in Los Hinojosos (Cuenca - Spain) on October 4, 1529; around the age of 12, he was adopted by the knight Juan Molina and taken to Ubeda. Around the age of fifteen years, he ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1111

Francesco di San Giuseppe

Servants of God OCD

Francesco di San Giuseppe

Franciszek was born in Warsaw on 3 December 1917. In 1935, he got his Diploma in Grammar School classics and he began to study and work in his father’s tailor shop. On 13 March 1944 he entered the N...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1048

Gerardo di Santo Stefano Re

Servants of God OCD

Gerardo di Santo Stefano Re

Gerard of St Stephen the King was born in the village of Đurđin in Bač to his parents Jose Stantić and Đula (Julije) Jagić. He was admitted to the Carmelites in Graz on 9th September 1896 and on 11 Se...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1029

Giacomo di Gesù

Servants of God OCD

Giacomo di Gesù

Lucien Louis Bunel, in religion Father Jacques of Jesus, was born in Barentin (France) on January 29, 1900 and died in Linz (Austria) on 2nd of June, 1945. At a very early age, Lucien Bunel decided t...

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03-09-2023 Hits:885

Gioacchino di Regina Pacis

Servants of God OCD

Gioacchino di Regina Pacis

Joachim of the Queen of Peace was born in Sassello, Province of Savona, Italy, on February 12, 1890, to Giacomo Ramognino and Caterina Badano. He was baptized with the name of James Peter. The father ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:962

Giovanni Antonio Guadagni (c…

Servants of God OCD

Giovanni Antonio Guadagni (cardinale)

Giovanni Antonio was born in Florence on September 14, 1674, the only son of the Marquis Donato Guadagni and his wife Maddalena, née Corsini, sister of the future Pope Clement XII. On the 3rd of May ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:4457

Jean Thierry (Ebogo) di Gesù…

Servants of God OCD

Jean Thierry (Ebogo) di Gesù Bambino e della Passione

Jean Thierry was born on February 4, 1982 and travelled Cameroon from one end to the other, following his father, who for work reasons had to change residence every two or three years. An inseparable...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1152

Lelia Cossidente

Servants of God OCD

Lelia Cossidente

Lelia Cossidente was born in Potenza on the 4th of May, 1893. She followed the family who moved to Rome in 1904. In 1913 she obtained her normal license, taught in an elementary school in the San Lor...

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03-09-2023 Hits:884

Marcello dell’Immacolata

Servants of God OCD

Marcello dell’Immacolata

Carlo Zucchetti, was born in Vighignolo, a hamlet of Settimo Milanese (Ml), Italy, on November 29, 1914 at half past four in the morning, the second son of the four children of Giulio and Luigia Zucch...

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03-09-2023 Hits:911

Margherita Maria del Cuore E…

Servants of God OCD

Margherita Maria del Cuore Eucaristico di Gesù

Margaret Mary was born in Cocentaina, diocese of Valencia (Spain) on March 16, 1908 and was baptized on the 25th of that month in the parish of Santa María. At the age of 8 she made her first communio...

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03-09-2023 Hits:4210

Maria Adelaide di Santa Tere…

Servants of God OCD

Maria Adelaide di Santa Teresa

Joan Adelaide O'Sullivan Rouley was born in New York on October 8, 1817 to an Anglican father and a Catholic mother. She was baptized in the Anglican Church. Four years after, the young girl decided ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1003

Maria Cristina di Gesù Sacra…

Servants of God OCD

Maria Cristina di Gesù Sacramentato

Maria Christina was born and baptized in Seville (Spain) in July 1890. Her parents were called José and Elisa. The date of her first communion is unknown. On 24 January 1921, Cristina entered the con...

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03-09-2023 Hits:973

Maria della Concezione di Sa…

Servants of God OCD

Maria della Concezione di San Giacomo e Santa Teresa

Maria of the Conception was born on April 25, 1905 in Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). She had everything you could want: wealth, comfort, influence in society... passionate about reading...

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05-09-2023 Hits:1492

Maria Eletta di Gesù

Servants of God OCD

Maria Eletta di Gesù

She was born in Terni, Italy, on the 28th of January 1605, the third daughter of the nobleman Alessandro. At the age of twenty-one, together with her sister Lucia, she entered the recently founded mo...

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03-09-2023 Hits:919

Maria Giuseppe di Gesù (Hono…

Servants of God OCD

Maria Giuseppe di Gesù (Honorina)

Honorina de Abreu was born in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on February 18, 1882. She lost her mother at the age of 9. Young, beautiful and intelligent, Honorina shone in Rio in the society of that time! B...

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03-09-2023 Hits:887

Maria Immacolata della SS. T…

Servants of God OCD

Maria Immacolata della SS. Trinità (Mãezinha)

Maria Giselda Villela was born in 1909, in Maria da Fé, MG, Brazil. Fiery and restless, intelligent and stubborn, she wanted to mount a wild horse, which caused her to fall off onto the ground and, ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:831

Maria Isabella dell’Amore Mi…

Servants of God OCD

Maria Isabella dell’Amore Misericordioso

María Isabel Zapata de Calatayud was born in Gandía (Valencia), Spain, on December 27, 1907. She lost her mother at the age of three and her father two years later. The Christian formation received ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:904

Martiri coreane (Maria Matil…

Servants of God OCD

Martiri coreane (Maria Matilde del SS. Sacramento e 1 Compagna)

SISTER THERESE OF THE INFANT JESUS (IRENE BASTIN) Irene Bastin was born on 5 July 1901 at Saint Vinvent in Luxembourg.  Her family was Christian. At the outbreak of the First World War both h...

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03-09-2023 Hits:771

Martiri di Santander (Atanas…

Servants of God OCD

Martiri di Santander (Atanasio del Sacro Cuore e 2 Compagni)

Atanasio del Sacro Cuore (Gregorio Aguinagalde Aguirreche) 1870-1936; Ruperto della Croce (Ruperto Andueza Larraya) 1897-1936; Massimino della Vergine del Carmelo (Maximino Sáez Martínez) 19...

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03-09-2023 Hits:898

Martiri di Segorbe-Castellon…

Servants of God OCD

Martiri di Segorbe-Castellon (Eleuterio di Maria e 33 Compagni)

Andrea Corsini della Vergine del Pilar (Miguel Palomar Martín) 1887-1936; Fernando di S. Teresa (Mariano Górriz Martínez) 1882-1936; Eusebio di Gesù (Eusebio Galindo Zurdo) 1887-1936; Edoardo della Ve...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1130

Mercedes di Santa Teresina

Servants of God OCD

Mercedes di Santa Teresina

Mercedes was born in Tunja (Boyacá), Colombia, on November 18, 1930. At the age of 22 she entered the Monastery of the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Villa de Leyva, receiving the name of Mary Celine of...

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03-09-2023 Hits:835

Pedro della Madre di Dio

Servants of God OCD

Pedro della Madre di Dio

Peter of the Mother of God was born in Daroca (Zaragoza ─ Spain) in 1565. He made his profession in Pastrana on 23rd of January 1583 and around 1590, still a deacon, he was sent to Italy as a compani...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1245

Raffaele Carlo Rossi (cardin…

Servants of God OCD

Raffaele Carlo Rossi (cardinale)

Raffaele Carlo Rossi was born in Pisa on October 28, 1876. Soon his parents separated, leaving in him a deep nostalgia that was reflected throughout his life. However, he maintained contact with both...

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03-09-2023 Hits:776

Rodolfo della Trasverberazio…

Servants of God OCD

Rodolfo della Trasverberazione del Cuore di Teresa

Rudolf of the Transverberation was born on November 14, 1919 in Bachowice, (Poland) not far from Wadowice, in the archdiocese of Krakow, into a practicing and farming family. He completed his middle-...

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03-09-2023 Hits:810

Rufino della Vergine del Car…

Servants of God OCD

Rufino della Vergine del Carmelo

Rufino was born in Villaveta Zazpe Zabalza (Navarre), Spain, on November 16, 1891. Fleeing the wars of his time, he emigrated to Chile in 1913. In the same year he joined the Discalced Carmelites of...

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03-09-2023 Hits:843

Salvatore del Cuore Immacola…

Servants of God OCD

Salvatore del Cuore Immacolato di Maria

Salvador Riviera Garcia was born in Salvatierra, Guanajuato (Mexico) on June 27, 1934. Like everyone else, he was a lively and playful child, but also very intelligent and willing to help. As a boy, ...

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03-09-2023 Hits:825

Teresa Camilla di Gesù Bambi…

Servants of God OCD

Teresa Camilla di Gesù Bambino

Thérèse Camille of the Child Jesus was born in France in 1757, the daughter of the Marquis de Soyécourt. At the age of 16 she decided to enter a monastery, but had to face opposition from her parents...

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03-09-2023 Hits:965

Teresa di Gesù (Gimma)

Servants of God OCD

Teresa di Gesù (Gimma)

Teresa Gimma was born in Bari (Italy) on March 10, 1880. To her parents, saddened by the loss of two children, she gave new joy and new hope. She was given the name Teresa. At the age of 18 she asked...

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03-09-2023 Hits:921

Teresa di Gesù (Marchocka)

Servants of God OCD

Teresa di Gesù (Marchocka)

Marianna Marchocka was born on 25 June 1603 in Stroze (Poland), the second of three children of Paul and Elizabeth Marchockiego of Modrzejewskich. Despite the opposition of her parents, under the inf...

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03-09-2023 Hits:995

Ulisse Amendolagine

Servants of God OCD

Ulisse Amendolagine

Ulisse Amendolagine was born in Salerno (Italy) on 14 May 1893 to Leonardo, an official of the Ministry of the Interior, and Nunzia Minutillo. He was baptized exactly one month later with the names of...

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03-09-2023 Hits:1119

Víctor Rodríguez Martínez

Servants of God OCD

Víctor Rodríguez Martínez

Víctor Rodriguez was born on April 12, 1925 in Quintanadiez de la Vega (Palencia, Spain), into a solidly Christian family. At the age of two he had an experience of grace that marked his whole life...

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Friday, 26 November 2021 12:07

Other causes

04-09-2023 Hits:1156

Anselmo di Sant'Andrea Corsi…

Servants of God

Anselmo di Sant'Andrea Corsini

Maciej was born on 24 February 1884 in Marszowice, a parish of Niegowić, in the archdiocese of Kraków (Poland) into a deeply religious and numerous family, the son of Antonio and Salomea Kowalska. In ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1109

Chiara Maria di Gesù

Servants of God

Chiara Maria di Gesù

Clare of Carmel was born in San Miguel, El Salvador, on October 12, 1857 to Carmen López and Daniel Quirós López. Her parents decided to consult the saints to choose the name of their daughter and dis...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1365

Colomba di Gesù Ostia


Colomba di Gesù Ostia

The Servant of God, Colomba of Jesus in the Host (Anna Antonietta Mezzacapo) was born in Marcianise (Caserta, Italy) on June 15, 1914. Raised in a Christian family environment and taking part in par...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1191

Elisabetta della Beata Vergi…


Elisabetta della Beata Vergine Maria

ELISWA (ELIZABETH VAKAYIL) Eliswa was born in October 1832.   She was the eldest of eight in a rich religious family from Vypussery (name of family residence) in Ochanthuruth. At the age o...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1210

Emile Biayenda

Servants of God

Emile Biayenda

Emile Biayenda was born in Mpangala, Uganda, in 1927. He was ordained a priest in 1958 in Brazzaville and immediately appointed parish priest. He was imprisoned for a few months because of his partic...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1723

Enrico de Ossó y Cervelló


Enrico de Ossó y Cervelló

Enrico de Ossó y Cervelló, a Catalan priest, was born in Vinebre (diocese of Tortosa, province of Tarragona ─ Spain) on October 16, 1840. From his seminary years he proved to be a «brilliant catechi...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1468

Francesco di Gesù Maria Gius…


Francesco di Gesù Maria Giuseppe (Palau)

Francis Palau was born on 29th of December 1811 in Aytona (Spain). In 1828, he entered the seminary of Lèrida. After completing the three years of philosophical studies and finishing the first course...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1066

Giorgio Häfner - Luigi dei S…


Giorgio Häfner - Luigi dei Sacri Cuori

BLESSED GEORG HAFNER George Hafner was born on 19 October 1900 in Wurzburg, Bavaria.  His parents, Valentin and Barbara Hewig Ulsamer, were simple, humble and believing Christians who brought ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1147

Giovanna Maria Condesa Lluch


Giovanna Maria Condesa Lluch

BLESSED GIOVANNA MARIA CONDESA LLUCH Giovanna Maria Condesa Lluch was born in Valencia, Spain on 30 March 1862.   When only 18, she discovered that God’s will for her was to dedicate hersel...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1509

Giovanni della Croce


Giovanni della Croce

John was born in in 1542 in Fontiveros near Avila, a village in Old Spanish Castile. His father Gonzalo de Yepes was thrown out of his home and disinherited for marrying a poor silk weaver, Catalina Á...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1119

Giuseppe Mazzanti

Servants of God

Giuseppe Mazzanti

Joseph Mazzanti was born in Imola, Bologna, (Italy) on June 3rd, 1879. A priest, born, raised and died in his beloved Imola, he lived passionately what was ordinary in his life and who could still sa...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1385

Immacolato Giuseppe di Gesù


Immacolato Giuseppe di Gesù

The Venerable Servant of God Immaculato Joseph of Jesus (Aldo Brienza) was born on  August 15, 1922, in Campobasso (Italy). At the age of sixteen, while attending the Higher Technical Institute...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1152

Isabella Morfini

Servants of God

Isabella Morfini

Bina (as every one called her) was the eldest of nine sisters and brothers.  As both their mother and grandmother were ill, Bina acted as mother to all the family. Very early on she joined the A...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1207

Isidoro della Natività della…

Servants of God

Isidoro della Natività della B.V.M.

The lay brother, Isidore of the Nativity of Mary (Giacomo Antonio Sciuti) was born in Carpeneto, in the province of Alessandria, Italy, on 8th of July 1696. At the end of the period of formation in ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1479

Juan de Palafox y Mendoza (V…


Juan de Palafox y Mendoza (Vescovo)

Juan de Palfox y Mendoza was born in Fitero (Navarre), Spain, on June 24, 1600, and was baptized on June 29, the feast of St. Peter, to whom he was always to have a special devotion. In 1610 for hi...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1363

Maria degli Angeli (Operti)


Maria degli Angeli (Operti)

Giuseppina Operti was born in Turin (Italy) on November 16, 1871 into a wealthy family. She was tested by the death of her brother and father within three months. Together with her mother, she gave h...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1344

Maria Eugenio di Gesù Bambin…


Maria Eugenio di Gesù Bambino

Henri Grialou (his secular name) was born into a modest mining family in Aveyron, in central France. Attracted by God from an early age, he wanted to be a priest. In the minor seminary he discovered t...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1125

Maria Luisa Giuseppa del SS…


Maria Luisa Giuseppa del SS. Sacramento (Navarro)

Maria Luisa de la Peña Navarro was born on June 21, 1866 in Atotonilco El Alto (Jalisco), Mexico, into a family of wealthy landowners, of good manners and very charitable. At the age of 15, in an arr...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1208

Maria Mercede del Cuore di G…


Maria Mercede del Cuore di Gesù

Nacque a Barcellona il 6 marzo 1880, in una famiglia cristiana, un fratello era un sacerdote. Frequentò sin da piccola le religiose della Compagnia di s. Teresa dove nella loro Casa-madre ricevette l...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1238

Maria Teresa della SS. Trini…

Servants of God

Maria Teresa della SS. Trinità (Aycinena)

Maria Teresa de Jesus Anastasia Cayetana was born in Guatemala City on April 15, 1784, into the bosom of a wealthy family. She distributed all her possessions to follow Jesus in the consecrated life ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1107

Maria Teresa della SS. Trini…

Servants of God

Maria Teresa della SS. Trinità (Ysseldijk)

Teresa Ysseldijk was born on November 13, 1897, in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, the daughter of a Catholic family full of faith. After a stay of 6 years in Ochtrup, Germany, where her father died, she ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1354

Maria Teresa di San Giuseppe…


Maria Teresa di San Giuseppe (Kierocińska)

Janina Kierocińska was born on 14th of June 1885 in Wieluń (Poland) into a large family of deeply religious landowners. She was baptized on June 21, 1885. Already on the day of her First Communion, Ju...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1277

Maria Teresa di San Giuseppe…


Maria Teresa di San Giuseppe (Tauscher)

Anna Maria Tauscher van den Bosch was born on 19th of June 1855 in Sandow, Brandenburg, (then in Germany, now in Poland), to deeply believing Lutheran parents. Her father was a pastor of the Evangeli...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1159

Maria Veronica della Passion…


Maria Veronica della Passione

Sophie Leeves was born in Constantinople (now Istanbul) on October 1st, 1823. Her father was the Anglican chaplain of the British Embassy. During adolescence a profound change took place in her. She ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1063

Maria Zanelli

Servants of God

Maria Zanelli

Antonietta Zanelli was born in Castel Guelfo (Italy) on June 17, 1887. Born into a wealthy family, her father was the pharmacist of the village and her mother, Countess Maria Acquaderni, was the siste...

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02-10-2024 Hits:76

Pura Rosa del Carmen Olmos

Servants of God

Pura Rosa del Carmen Olmos

The Servant of God Pura Rose of Carmel Olmos Professed Religious of the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa of Jesus (Arg.)             Secundina G...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1059

Rosa di San Giuseppe


Rosa di San Giuseppe

Rosa Ojeda y Creus was born in Vilanova i la Geltrú on August 30, 1871 into a poor family. In 1877, following the death of her parents, she and her two siblings were taken in by their maternal grand...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1054

Saturnina del Cuore Agonizza…


Saturnina del Cuore Agonizzante di Gesù

Saturnina Jassá y Fontcuberta was born in Spain on March 3, 1851 in Calaceite, an Aragonese municipality then belonging to the diocese of Tortosa in the province of Teruel. After a normal childhood ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1188

Teresa del Cuore Immacolato …


Teresa del Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Guasch y Toda)

Teresa Toda y Guasch was born in Riudecanyes (Spain) on May 28, 1848 and was baptized the next day in the parish of her hometown. On July 8, Antonio Guasch, her father, who had already left home, vio...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1115

Teresa di Gesù Bambino di Pr…


Teresa di Gesù Bambino di Praga

Teresa Mira García was born in Algueña, Alicante - Spain on September 26, 1895. Daughter of José and Teresa, she was the second of nine children. To receive Jesus in her First Communion she establish...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1537

Teresa di S. Rosa da Lima

Servants of God

Teresa di S. Rosa da Lima

Teresa of St. Rose of Lima was born on 29th of January 1858 in George Town, Madras, India, to Peter D'Lima and Mary D'Lima. She received the name Mary Grace on baptism in St. Mary's Co-Cathedral, two ...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1084

Teresa di San Giuseppe (Toda…


Teresa di San Giuseppe (Toda y Juncosa)

Teresa Toda y Juncosa was born in Riudecanyes, Tarragona (Spain) on August 19, 1826. When she was only 13 years old, her father died. Like the girls of her time, in her youth Teresa did not attend sch...

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04-09-2023 Hits:1251

Teresa Maria della Croce (Ma…


Teresa Maria della Croce (Manetti)

Teresa Adelaide Cesina Manetti, was born in Campi Bisenzio, in the then hamlet of San Martino, to Gaetano Manaetti (a poultry farmer) and Rosa Bigagli, on March 2, 1846. At the age of three she lost ...

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