«I pastori che vegliavano nei campiricevettero una luminosa visioneche li lasciò sbigottiti:la gloria di Dio rifulse intorno a loro,e un angelo gridava:“Inneggiate, perché il Cristo…
Today, during the Audience granted to His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, the Supreme Pontiff…
Tomorrow, Tuesday 19 November, the diocesan enquiry on the "life, virtues, reputation for holiness and signs" of the Servant of God Adeodatus of St Peter,…
Tomorrow, Tuesday 19 November, the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints will open the diocesan enquiry into the "life, virtues, reputation for holiness and signs"…
These liturgical texts and the possibility of celebrating Blessed Anne of Jesus are reserved exclusively for the houses of the Order of Discalced Carmelites and…
On Monday 21 October, in Rome, took place the canonical translation of the mortal remains of the Venerable Chiara Maria della Passione (Giovanna Vittoria Colonna…
On Sunday, 20 October, at the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Neyyatinkarao (India), the final session of the Diocesan Inquiry on the ‘life, virtues,…
On Tuesday October15th, at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, the diocesan investigation into the “life, virtue, fame of sanctity and signs: of the…
Next Friday, 2 August, the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints will open the diocesan enquiry into an alleged miracle attributed to Blessed Marie-Eugène of…